Most advertising agencies attest that they are finding difficulties signing up new clients despite delivering satisfactory results for their current clients. Well, this can be pinned to the fact that they don’t have a specific team dedicated to agency growth. Whereas it is important to concentrate on meeting the client’s goals and objectives, it is also vital to have a whole team dedicated to agency marketing.
That said, below are some of the most effective ways agencies can leverage to get more clients.
- Host regular events and workshops
A significant percentage of your clients seek education during the early buying cycle. Clients often like to learn more about their problem and the possible solutions available. Therefore, hosting regular training events of workshops is of much importance, especially in building connections.
Running such events helps attending participants to get a better understanding of your agency strategy. They help connect with prospects, provide a platform to pitch your services and in overall, present yourself as experts in the issue. To get the best from such events, you can partner with local groups as they often have extensive networks, which you can tap into.
Besides, if you are focused on marketing within a specific niche, go for events within your niche to reach potential clients directly.
- Calculated Guest Posting
Every agency certainly knows the effectiveness of guest posting. There are countless stories that confirm how sharing your expertise grows business and builds trust. However, most agencies are sceptical about this strategy. Nonetheless, a successful guest posting requires strategic selection.
There are always two goals aimed at by publishing guest blogs. First, you want to achieve the best possible exposure. Second is to raise your agency’s authority level. That said, always focus on finding sites that boost both exposure and authority. Websites such as Moz or Social Media Examiner can achieve both objectives with ease.
Another guest posting strategy involves reaching out to your clients, asking them their favorite publications. Through this, you can uncover magical opportunities for succeeding in this strategy.
- Join Slack Groups
With time, Slack is becoming a better and preferred alternative to online communities and other forums. This could be because most people spend time and interact on Slack or due to its intuitive usage. Besides bringing people together and engaging, Slack can lead you to new business opportunities. Members can ask or refer their interactions for work. All you need to do is join a relevant slack group.
- Develop a partnership with non-competing companies
Most business owners eliminate the idea of developing strategic partnerships completely. They probably fear that partnership can affect their relationship with clients. However, building amicable partnership doesn’t mean giving total access to the other party to your clients.
Partnership is good as they help clients who need complementary services and deliver more services through the developed white label connection with the other agency. Forming a strategic partnership that synergizes helps both agencies service their clients better as they help each other grow. Using auto-retweet tools can help you achieve that with minimal effort.
Getting customers for agencies can be a daunting task. As mentioned, this is because they lack a dedicated marketing team. That aside, the strategies mentioned above are helpful.