In the world of online marketing, you can often hear different opinions on particular subjects. When it comes to funnels, you can sometimes hear people that paying too much attention to them is not the best thing you can do.
Others think that this is the best way to make sales. It takes a system to drive online shoppers to get to the final point – ordering and paying for a product.
In this article, we’re talking more about sales funnels, and we’ll show you how valuable and important they are through the GrooveFunnels review, which will explain with a perfect example. Read on if you want to know why setting up a system for leading people to one place is an excellent thing to do!
What are sales funnels?
We almost forgot to explain what sales funnels are for those who are not aware of this term. The sales funnel is a system of tasks that are made to drive the visitors of a particular eCommerce site to make a purchase.
Since all websites dealing with product sales are designed for people to have a better experience while shopping, it’s crucial to make the positive side of the situation both ways. Everyone must be happy during the process. Clients need to have a great time while browsing through the products, but the sellers also must have benefited from people visiting the page.
First, the funnel is called this way because the system looks like the clients are going through a reversed pyramid to reach the endpoint. The beginning of it is made by lots of potential buyers who are coming to the site through marketing on social media or search engines.
As the crowd goes through the funnel it gets smaller because not everyone coming to the page is going to end up buying something. Some of them will quit and not buy anything. The goal of the marketing team is to get as many potential customers as possible at the beginning of the funnel.
What do stats say?
According to research, almost 8 out of 10 leads generated at the funnel is not going to end up buying anything. That means only some 20% of people will actually make a purchase. Let’s put this into perspective.
If you have 100 people, only about 20 of them will buy something. The rest 80 of them will flee. These 20 people might spend only $5 per purchase, leaving you with only $100. When you take away taxes and commission, you might be just getting a dollar person. This is a rough sketch, of course, but it gets you right at the point.
With this in mind, it’s crucial for marketers to find a way and do the funnel better, or at least find a way on how to get more leads. Take a look at this link if you want to know some more funnel stats.
What needs to be done?
Another stat shows exactly what needs to be done. According to it, leads who are pampered by their salespersons are going to have a 47% bigger chance to buy something. That means sending gratitude emails, personalizing messages, and generally paying attention to them is crucial.
A happy customer is the one that you’ll retain. Only 20% of the happiest customers you have will make 80% of the sales. As you increase the overall satisfaction, you’ll also increase the profits.
With these statistics in mind, it’s clear that what needs to be done is to get more leads and make sure they are treated with respect. If you manage to have more people coming to your page and have them as leads that will be happy with the fact they are a part of your circle of customers, you’ll surely increase the sales.
How GrooveFunnels do it?
As we said, we’re going to make a quick review of the work of GrooveFunnel. It is a company that manages to perfectly handle the marketing issues that an entrepreneur doing business over the internet might be coping with.
This a software platform on which it is too easy finding leads and keeping them inside the circle we mentioned. And not just this, there are so many tools in it, that you’ll need no other tool outside of the platform to do your job.
It is a platform that works perfectly. You have many options, like websites, landing pages, CRM, email services, funnels, webinars, and all kinds of other stuff that will make the marketing game too easy. All you need to do is download and start entering the information.
The rest of the job is for the software itself. You can just follow the news through your phone’s app, or on the laptop no matter where you are at the moment. You can see how the business is going, and do detailed analytics about who’s coming and who’s going.
You can do thorough research on what’s happening and with it, make decisions about your next moves. The software tells you everything you need to know, and manages to fix the issues where they need fixing.
All in all, it’s an amazing software that makes you feel like a professional marketer, even if you have no in-depth knowledge of the marketing game. Everything’s displayed in front of you, and the app is doing everything for you. Still, some analyzing and overseeing the clients is a smart thing to do.
Funnels are highly important for any online business, no matter what people think about them. If you manage to do it right, you’ll see an immediate increase in profits. Learn in more details about what funnels are on this link:
However, instead of hiring an entire team of professionals that will drain your budget, you can go with a single software handling things.
Get the GrooveFunnel software and see how the entire business starts running smoothly. Leads are going to overwhelm your business, and sales will rise. That’s all you need for steady growth and a successful company.