There is no standard standard on how to check a criminal background check. However, there are six types of background checking that you can choose from. If the HR Team has time, you can do it all. If not, choose the one that suits the company’s needs and the position needed .
- CV Verification
Usually, after HR and user CV screening, the user will select the appropriate candidate. Then HR will contact the candidate for an initial interview and sometimes HR will send a personal data form for the candidate to fill out.
After that, HR conducts background checking by verifying CV, forms, and the results of the initial interview . Such as the suitability of education, work experience, and the candidate’s skills and/or competencies.
- Check references
Usually, in the personal data form there is a reference field . As HR, you can ask candidates to fill in the field by entering a reference phone number, such as a colleague or boss. When you call someone in the reference column, he will recommend or provide testimonials about the performance in question.
- Check social media
There is nothing wrong with checking the candidate’s social media . You can see how candidates interact and share information on social media . Complaining or venting on social media is normal. But if he’s ever been sarcastic about your boss or co-workers, ridiculed netizens, or demonized the community, you should be careful. Because if he works in your company (eg retail industry or FMCG), this behavior can affect the company’s reputation.
- Health check
Not all companies do this. However , the company can check the candidate ‘s health because the type of job requires a person to be fit and healthy . In general, health checks are carried out after the company accepts candidates as new employees (with a contract or probation system). Before the contract or trial period is over, HR and the user will review the performance as well as the health of the employees.
- Crime track record
Most companies do not ask for a Police Record Certificate (SKCK). SKCK is a letter issued by the Indonesian National Police containing information that a person does not have a criminal record throughout his life. For HR in private companies, you can still find out the candidate’s criminal track record. For example, you work as HR in a financial company, to find out whether the candidate has been involved in fraud or not, you can contact HR or record a team at a previous company .
- Skill test
Background checking can also be a skill test. This test is to prove that the candidate’s skills match what he wrote in the CV . For example, the position of the customer service leader is asked to answer or make an email to the customer, because the customer protests about the damaged product packaging.