The Importance of Moving on to the Cloud Unified Communications

The Importance of Moving on to the Cloud Unified Communications

When choosing unified communications for more efficient and productive business processes and growth, choosing between on-premises deployment or switching to a cloud service provided by a service provider has always been a bit confusing among users, in particular, home and company business.

Unified Communications offers the most significant business communication support in video-audio collaboration. Some of the most common cloud-based unified communications issues related to reliability and security in addition to tailor-made solutions. But thanks to advanced encryption technology, cloud unified communications services are as secure and inaccessible as any system installed on the site.

The buzz surrounding cloud computing has embraced the Unified Communications market

For technology providers, simply associating the term “cloud” with any service outside the organization’s firewall has become the norm. The trick for telecommunications administrators is to find out the hype to know precisely what Unified Communications cloud services offer and what is the difference between them and traditional Unified Communications hosting and managed services.

Cloud Unified Communications provides services that are never hosted or managed. Cloud unified communications provide flexibility and flexibility for corporate organizations. Enterprises can scale their deployments up and down and add new features and capabilities if necessary.

Using traditional offers from hosted communications, service providers create the necessary network and computing infrastructure in their own data centers and sell access to this infrastructure to their customers in accordance with their requirements. The operator owns and holds software and hardware licenses, and is also responsible for the maintenance and support of these systems. Typically, the operator has the exclusive right to decide whether to apply software updates and new features to the hosted service.

cloud unified communications

Here are some features that show how Unified Communications as a Service is better than a local installation, and what are its advantages and disadvantages:

Multi-Tenacy vs Single-Tenacy

Organizations that provide unified communications as a service create, run, and manage a complex infrastructure that includes software licensing, equipment provision, customer service teams, and much more. Among the many technologies and solutions available in the field of unified communications, there is an experienced service provider. The most suitable choice of equipment and technology for the client, taking into account the unique requirements of the business.


When deploying a Unified Communications system locally, you must acquire a new license for each new user you add to the system. Therefore, every time a new employee appears in the organization, the IT department and other teams must coordinate their activities to provide user rights for joining a new person. This requires additional costs and time. With a Unified Communications service in the cloud, a service provider performs this training for each new user. The system provides excellent flexibility as required. Whenever an organization wants to expand or contract an order, depending on the change in the number of people using the Unified Communications service, the service provider can zoom in or out.