Cassandra with its various advantages and disadvantages

Deploying cassandra with stateful sets

Before going deeper, it would be better if we know what Cassandra is. Cassandra (Apache Cassandra) is a product released by Apache where this product is an open source for highly scalable database management (measurable) and is designed to manage a structured data with such a large amount of data. Cassandra needs to be studied because it is used by various large companies to handle data changes in real time, for example, such as revenue data, or order status data. And also cassandra can complete various complex tasks with ease and has high resistance to various faults.

When to use Cassandra database?

Cassandra database is used for a very heavy writing system and when you want to have a responsive reporting system on the stored data. Can be considered when there is a Web analytics use case where log data is stored for each request and you want to build an analytics platform around it to calculate hits per hour, by browser, by IP, etc in real time.

The advantages of the Cassandra database?

  1. Easy data distribution
    2. Can manage big data
    3. Can store hundreds of terabytes of data without sacrificing efficiency
    4. Can help complete complex tasks so easily
    5. The performance can be said to be high

Disadvantages of Cassandra database ?

  1. There is no ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) feature, and relations
    2. In reading data (read) it takes a long time, arguably slower than writing data (write)
    3. Cannot recover a data from a snapshot when a table schema exists

Deploying cassandra with stateful sets

Features of Apache Cassandra

Apache Cassandra has several features that amaze its users. Some of these features have actually been explained. These features and at the same time become the advantages of Cassandra, among others,

  1. Elastic scalability

Apache Cassandra is a distributed database, where additional storage capacity can be added at any time and without being tied to the same hardware and location, so data A could be placed in Indonesia, other data placed in other countries with different servers both in terms of hardware and platforms.

  1. Flexible data storage
    Cassandra accommodates all available data formats, including structured, semi-structured and unstructured data. However, it can dynamically accommodate changes in your data structure according to your needs.
  2. Easy data distribution

Deploying cassandra with stateful sets gives you the flexibility to distribute which data you need by replicating the data across multiple data centers. The data will be automatically replicated to multiple nodes if an error occurs. Failed nodes can be replaced directly (no downtime).

  1. Write fast

Cassandra is designed to run on low-end hardware . It will write fast and can store hundreds of terabytes of data, without sacrificing read efficiency.