The benefits of closed captioning and transcription to your organization and viewers are numerous

Considering that shut inscriptions were initially evolved as a convenience to give an identical amusement experience to Deaf and in need of hearing aide individuals, it’s a good idea that content openness is ostensibly the main advantage of video to text converter. Inscriptions are time-synchronized text that goes with video content, and records are the finished plain text form of […]

The Most Updated And Convenient Employee Monitoring Tool

Most businesses are having difficulties monitoring their employees. They have the time in and out of their employees in a logbook. It is the traditional and manual way of jotting down the record of their employees; whosoever is present, absent, early, and late. All the data here are used for plans and salary concerns of the employees. Today, advanced technology […]

Choosing An AI Chatbot For Business? Here’s How!

There are certain tasks these days where you no longer have to talk to a real person because a chatbot can assist you with whatever you need. The use of chatbots in the travel industry has the potential to significantly enhance the quality of customer service. However, not all chatbots are created equal. Some are better than others when it […]

Why iSeries cloud hosting is the best choice for your business?

It has been almost 10 years since the launch of iSeries cloud hosting service in 2012. Although the launch was not a complete success, the demand and interest in cloud hosting has increased so much since then.  It is not surprising that iSeries cloud hosting is the best choice for many small to medium sized businesses.  So, why iSeries cloud […]