Embedded Systems For Transportation

Embedded Systems For Transportation

In today’s world, we have some of the most advanced transportation ever, and it’s only becoming more and more advanced as we move further into the 21st century. In fact, in the upcoming 2020s, which is very soon, is it said that self-driving vehicles will be taking place. We already have a device like a…

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Cool Gadgets for the Modern Life

Over the years there has been an innumerable introduction of different types of devices that have made life easier and more valuable. The usefulness and effectiveness of the devices have made them extremely popular among the modern generation of people. These cool gadgets have marked a trend among those who like to be at the…

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Understanding Commonly Utilised Machine Learning Algorithms

Machine learning can be utilised in different fields from computational finance (like credit scoring) to image processing (like face recognition and motion detection), natural language processing (voice recognition), energy production, manufacturing, aerospace, and computational biology. The need for processing massive data paved way to the creation of machine learning software. Many industries use this because…

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