Top-NotchMonitors Are the Backbone for HeightenedGaming Experience

Top-NotchMonitors Are the Backbone for HeightenedGaming Experience

Did you know PS4 and Xbox One are the next generation of consoles? If you’re planning to play games with any of these consoles, then you obviously need a TV or a video display unit. You might be experiencing the gaming effect with regular TV or a monitor, but have you experienced it with a PS4 or Xbox One monitor?

Xbox One and PS4 monitors provide various features, such as better picture quality, more mobility than your regular TV, and much more. There arises the question of how to choose the best monitor for Xbox One in order to get a mind-blowing gaming experience. Spend some time in researching the best monitors by considering input and output, brands, and specifications.

monitor for Xbox One

  1. Size of screen

The bigger the size of the screen, the better it is. Make sure you don’t select a monitor that’s smaller than 23” because it’s inappropriate for gaming. The popular ones are 24”, and the ones higher than that,27” which isrecommendedfor the best gaming experience.

When you choose the screen size, make sure you don’t neglect the view distance option. The monitors recommended for PS4 and Xbox One and are best for games that work their optimum at higher resolutions – 1920 x 1080. These monitors have an additional advantage that provides better picture quality when your family sits together to watch a movie or baseball match.

  1. Relapse time

If your monitor has low response time, then you’ll enjoy a remarkable gaming experience. When you use the PS4 or Xbox One, make sure you check the monitors by setting it to less than or to the 5 ms response time.  If you have new monitors, aim for 2 or 3 ms for a smooth gaming effect. An interesting fact is low response monitors are affordable!

Make sure you add the important feature “refresh rate” in your cart while choosing the monitors. The refresh rate defines the number of times your screen is refreshed to display a fresh image. Most of the PC gaming monitors refresh rates operate at 120 or 140 Hz, which are quite expensive.

Make sure you don’t opt for a monitor that’s higher than 60 Hz refresh rates when you buy the PS4 or Xbox One.

  1. Video and audio ports

Choose a monitor that has at least one HDMI port because it requires minimum one HDMI connection to support PS4 and Xbox One. You can use DVI or VGA options to connect your computer to the new monitors.

If you want top quality sound, make sure you choose a monitor that doesn’t have built-in speakers. The reason is many monitors are enabled with built-in speakers to experience high-quality sound.

Gamers don’t fear the apocalypse

A true gamer will always look for top-quality and the best gadget to experience the ultimate gaming effect. You can be one among them by following few simple steps while picking the things to gain a unique and remarkable gaming experience.

Create a functional checklist, and take a look at top websites for reviews and specificationsfrom the gaming experts, which are useful in choosing the best monitor for Xbox One and PS4.